Quality Parenting Center

Quality Parenting Centers are designed for families with children (from birth up to age 12) who were removed from home due to protective service concerns. Sibling groups in which one or more children are over the age of 12 may still be served through this program, at the discretion of DCF. Families can be referred at any point following the child’s removal from home if close supervision, intervention, and monitoring is required to ensure child safety and well-being. All permanency goals will be accepted into the program, including Reunification, Transfer of Guardianship, or Adoption. For permanency goals other than reunification, the emphasis of family time would be on the importance of the continuity of relationships for the child.

Ashley Barker

Contact Ashley our Assistant Program Director
for more infomation.

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The primary purpose of the Quality Parenting Programs is to maintain the parent-child attachment, reduce a child’s sense of abandonment, preserve their sense of belonging as part of a family and community, and maintain cultural connections. Visitation Coaches facilitate permanency planning, promote timely reunification, and aid in the decision-making process to establish an alternative permanency plan for the child in out of home care using the Visiting Coach Model.

QPC Family Visitation Sites